
I’ve never been much into any aspects of beauty or fashion when I was younger, I would be the last person anyone would go to for advice in either of those categories. And it also resulted in a lack of skills socially or culturally around that area as well. However, as I have gotten older and gained more willingness to look presentable (very socially rewarding), it caused me to spark an interest in fashion and beauty as well. It’s fun and makes one feel better about themselves, and can be definitely be regarded as a hobby (as long as you’re not hurting anyone including your finances, or being condescending).

I’m still learning on how to make improvements everyday except this time, I hope to share what I learn to each and every one of you all. It’s encouraging to have a community with me on this journey of becoming our best objective and subjective selves. Also, to those that are just beginning, I aim to make this process much easier on you than it was for me at the beginning with the collection of information I gathered on it.

I would love to hear your thoughts and much more on the content of this blog! Any questions and general comments are welcome. No matter the content, feedback is appreciated.

Also if there is anything at all that you'd like to know more about related to this blog, let me know and I'll see what I gather on the subject (plus it'll be nice for me to fill in the gaps of anything that would be beneficial to know more about).
